A wealth of resources that will help you plan your design and technology lessons efficiently and align you with the National Curriculum. For your confidence and security, we do not store any payment methods on our system.
Let's Look at Vehicles
Levers and linkages - Poster and Support Pack
Make it Safe!
Making Bread using the Six Essentials
Making frames for motorised projects
Manufacturing Vocabulary
Mapping out careers
Materials and their properties - Metals, GCSE classroom teaching resource
Materials and their properties - Papers and boards
Materials and their properties - Polymers, GCSE classroom teaching resource
Materials and their properties - Set of GCSE classroom teaching resources
Materials and their properties - Textiles, GCSE classroom teaching resource
Materials and their properties - Timbers, GCSE classroom teaching resource
Materials handling pack – Metals MSK 602
Materials handling pack – Polymers MSK 601