Portable Power Tools (S9HS) - Initial Training Course (RS)

Date and Time

Start Date: 18th February 2025

Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Your Price: £206.40

Book an event

9 spaces available.

To reserve a place(s) or for further information, please contact Richard Shouls telephone 07747463755 or  e-mail shoulsr@gmail.com . Or book via the website www.rs-dt-training


This course will enable delegates to acquire H&S accreditation certification through a ‘hands on’ approach using the machinery to complete set tasks. The machines covered include:

  •         portable angle grinder
  •         portable circular saw
  •         portable biscuit cutter
  •         portable jig saw
  •         portable planning machine
  •         portable router and router table


NB -No experience is necessary in using the machines.

All the activities conform to the current D&T Association Training Standards. 

Refreshments will be provided but you will need to bring your own lunch.

Cost of accreditation is included within the price. Current accreditation price is £26.40 but will increase to £30 after 1st March.


New College Training Centre, D&T Training Workshop
South Entrance
Glenfield Road

Prices include VAT at the appropriate rate where applicable.

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