Start Date: 11th November 2025
Time: 09:30 - 17:00
Member Price: £199.00
Your Price: £270.00
This is a face to face full day food course that will provide you theoretical and practical knowledge that you will need to complete if you are teaching and delivering food classes in school.
Upon successful completion delegates will receive accreditation for Level 2 Foundation Food Safety, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and the Design and Technology extension level Secondary Food Health & Safety (SFHS) for teaching and supporting food teaching in schools.
Who is this course for?
What will this course cover?
This course fully meets the requirements of Health and Safety for Design and Technology in Educational and Similar Establishments BS 4163:2021+A1:2022 as well as Level 2 Food Safety requirements.
This is also suitable as a refresher as the course has been updated to reflect the requirement for allergen management.
London TBC,
Prices include VAT at the appropriate rate where applicable.