Primary Progression posters

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Primary Progression Posters
September 2016

A set of five posters outlining the progression from Key Stage 1 through Early Key Stage 2 and Late Key Stage 2 in the areas of Designing, Making, Evaluating, Technical Knowledge and Cooking and Nutrition.

Progression framework
The revised National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014 without levels or level descriptions. In response the Association worked with the Expert Subject Advisory Group (ESAG) for D&T to develop the Progression Framework.
The Framework provides steps for progression in children’s knowledge, understanding and skills. These include, but go beyond, the programmes of study. Age-related expectations set out children’s learning across KS1 and KS2, with specific expectations in early KS2 and late KS2. The main aim is to help teachers plan projects which build on children’s previous learning whilst ensuring an appropriate level of challenge.   

Clickable Progression Framework
An electronic or ‘clickable’ version of the Progression Framework for Key Stages 1 and 2 is freely available. This enables teachers to click on particular expectations within the framework that need further exemplification. Clicking on a link causes a ‘vignette’ to pop up which provides a commentary on what the expectation means, with examples of what children might say or do to meet the expectation and/or how teachers might support children’s learning in the classroom. The posters illustrate how this works by including text from the vignettes for a number of the expectations.

Using these posters in your school

  • Put them on the staff notice board to raise awareness of age-related expectations in the subject
  • Encourage staff to use the Progression Framework or Clickable Progression Framework to support their planning, teaching and children’s learning
  • Gather examples of children’s work that reflect a variety of expectations, in order to set standards for the subject
  • Use the posters to identify learning objectives for Design and Making
  • As a staff, review current planning and resources against the Progression Framework, using the posters in this issue as a starting point
  • As a subject leader, use the posters to monitor and evaluate standards in Design and Making throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  • Use the posters to kick-start the development of an assessment and recording system

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