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208 results found for your search "STEM Careers"

Christopher Martin

Christopher Martin, 16 years working as a teaching assistant and technician at Tonbridge School and a DATA consultant for 15 years. A professional mechanical/production engineer with 63 years experience in design and manufacture and 50 years works and general management in a wide range of industries. Having had what I considered on refection a great apprenticeship and further education as a basis for my career I decided having semi retired to put something back into the educational system. General Areas of Consultation Vocational Education. Equipment purchasing advice . Resolving workshop layout problems careers advice. Will travel 75 miles in...

Skills for Industry - Perpetual Calendar

Skills for Industry - Perpetual Calendar, Skills for Industry – Perpetual Calendar First published 2017Ages 11-14 The Skills for Industry programme provides an opportunity to link secondary schools with a local industry partner to help Design and Technology teachers to develop and teach the industry-relevant knowledge and skills needed by the industry partner. The PowerPoint and associated 2D Design and Word files are a record of the project that took place in 2017 but also provide materials to adapt for use in your school. This project has a scheme over nine one-hour...

Leanne Mee

Leanne Mee, Leanne founded The STEM Workshop in 2018, to be able to have a wider impact on school engagement across the STEM subjects and to support in raising children's aspirations. Having become increasingly frustrated with the demise of Design and Technology at the time in many schools locally, particularly in primary schools Leanne decided to work independently to support schools in developing their provision. Leanne works with various schools, training centres and organisations on a regular basis, she also supports schools nationwide through offering training and consultancy to support in developing...

Ally Price

Head of D&T , Ally Price, Ally Price is Head of Design & Technology at Maidstone Grammar School for Girls in Kent. As a qualified SENCO with a Masters in Education, Ally works to engage students of all abilities in pursuing higher education pathways and careers in STEM related subjects. She has undertaken work on the D&T subject advisory panel for Oak National Academy and is also part of the D&T evaluation group for the Prince’s Teaching Institute. Watch Ally's D&T department tour here

UK Space Agency

UK Space Agency STEM resources, These STEM resources for KS3 and KS4 are based on the James Webb Space Telescope and Satellite Launch Systems. Pupils will learn all about these fascinating, STEM-related areas, get to launch rockets, build their own telescopes and study the maths, science, engineering and design aspects of getting into space and observing the sky and the Earth. There is a wealth of detail that teachers can adapt and link in to other subject areas as well as encourage an understanding and interest in careers in the sector. These free...

Skills for Industry - Severn Trent

Skills for Industry - Severn Trent, Skills for Industry – Severn Trent First published 2017Ages 11-14 The Skills for Industry programme provides an opportunity to link secondary schools with a local industry partner to help Design and Technology teachers to develop and teach the industry-relevant knowledge and skills needed by the industry partner. The PowerPoint and associated Excel and Word files are a record of the project that took place in 2017 but also provide materials to adapt for use in your school. This project has a scheme over eight one-hour lessons...

EngineeringUK Launch Neon

EngineeringUK Launch Neon, Neon launches to help teachers to source Covid-secure engineering outreach activities and ensure young people don’t miss out on vital careers support In an environment of increased career anxiety for young people, recent research from EngineeringUK found that during lockdown (March to July 2020) 76% had not taken part in any formal careers activity, such as a careers guidance session or an online work experience. With the majority of young people feeling that the coronavirus pandemic will adversely affect the educational routes and job opportunities available to them, EngineeringUK has launched...

In Conversation with Rose Russell and Edna Reilly

Ursuline Academy, Ilford, Rose Russell and Edna Reilly, On International Women in Engineering Day, Designed for Life takes a moment to celebrate the work of two women who have made an amazing positive difference to girls' exposure to STEM opportunities within their school. Listen to the podcast hereRose Russell has been an outstanding Technician/Instructor/ STEM Coordinator at the Ursuline Academy, Ilford (an all girl’s catholic school) for 29 years in both the art and design and design and technology departments. Trained in fashion, Rose is neither an engineer nor a scientist, but in the last...

In Conversation with Joshua Bruce

Aeronautical Engineering Undergraduate, Mission 44 Youth Advisory board member and Founder of Young Engineers Summit, Joshua Bruce, The joy of this podcast is that through it, we get to talk with designers, engineers and innovators at the very peak of their game and often informed by years or even decades of experience. At the same time, we have spoken with people at the very start of their careers, and are privileged to explore how they are shaping themselves and their careers for the future. Listen here Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on...

Nick Ellins, Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills Group and the National Skills Academy for Power

Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills Group and the National Skills Academy for Power , Nick Ellins, Energy and Utility Skills Group and the National Skills Academy for Power are the leading voice in workforce renewal and skills for the water, gas, waste management/recycling and power sectors. Previously Nick held the posts of Director of Policy for the Rail Delivery Group rail strategy body and Director of Policy for the Association of Train Operating Companies, focused on government franchising policy, HS2, strategic planning and the UK and EU regulatory environment. Prior to this, Nick had over...

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