SEN Symbols (80)

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This is an excellent resource for teachers wanting to make accessible materials for their D&T rooms and teaching/learning resources. The symbols have been created in conjunction with Widgit, a symbol-based language used predominantly for people with learning disabilities. It uses pictorial symbols, either as an alternative to text, or to accompany it. The resource adds visual support to the printed word, opening up the world of information to those who may otherwise be excluded from it. These can also be used in mainstream schools to reduce EAL language barriers, enable independent learning, create social stories, labelling tools and equipment and much more. Schools can use the symbols within D&T as they wish.

There are 40 D&T-related symbols available for all schools as downloadable PDF’s, and 80 available for D&T Association members as downloadable PDF’s. Members can also get access to the complete set of new symbols in a wordlist format that can be used if the school has a copy of InPrint 3, including all 20,000 Widgit symbols. For more information on, and to purchase InPrint 3 visit


The resources include PDF flashcards and an executable file for use with InPrint 3.

Prices include VAT at the appropriate rate where applicable, postage and packing for UK only. For overseas postage please call us.

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