
Member Price: £40.00

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The Dinosuits are dinosaur construction toys that you wear and control, and are part of the focus of one of our Year 7 ‘Inspired by Industry’ contexts. Get students to build the fossil suit using the easy to follow picture instructions and then simply strap into the suit to become the dazzling dinosaur !. Ergonomically designed to walk just as you do with an operational head and snapping jaws that you can control too and bring your dinosaur to life.

By constructing the suit it allows students with further opportunities to analyse, gain ideas and help market the toy as part of the context.

Eco-friendly made with 90% recyclable materials from sustainable sources (FSC accredited).

3 designs available and one will be shipped at random. If you have a preference, please email us your preference of either Stegosaurus, Triceratops or T-Rex when placing your order.


Price includes shipping and VAT.

Prices include VAT at the appropriate rate where applicable, postage and packing for UK only. For overseas postage please call us.

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