Recommended requirements for effective practice in KS1 and KS2

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Minimum requirements for effective practice in KS1 and KS2

Subject leaders often ask the D&T Association for advice about factors in effective teaching and learning in the subject. These include the amount of teaching time that should be allocated, the size of budget needed for materials and components, and how many projects should be taught each term.

In response, the Association and the D&T Expert Subject Advisory Group (ESAG) have developed a set of twelve minimum requirements for KS1 and KS2. These are recommendations, based on evidence and established good practice in the subject, which schools may wish to consider when they are reviewing and developing their provision in D&T. Together they provide an underlying foundation for effective practice from Year 1 to Year 6.

Several of the minimum requirements focus on the nature and frequency of D&T projects. A project or unit of work comprises a number of related activities that enable children to design, make and evaluate functional products for clearly identified users and purposes. Projects are based on teachers’ medium-term planning and are usually undertaken on a termly basis. Each of the minimum requirements is accompanied by an explanation and, where relevant, background evidence and related resources.

The pdf is accompanied by a checklist for you to assess how well your school meets these requirements.

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