Ensuring the Future of Design and Technology Education: An Urgent Call to Action

Published 28th June 2024

We were recently fortunate to be involved in an article that featured the plight of design and technology education in The Observer. Following this was the official launch of a significant new report, “A Blueprint for Renewal of Design and Technology Education,” compiled with a range of colleagues over the last twelve months and released in close collaboration with the Design Council at Havas in King’s Cross.

The report highlighted some alarming statistics: GCSE entries in design and technology have plummeted from 430,000 to just 78,000, and A-level entries have dropped from 26,000 to 10,000. The number of teachers in the field has also drastically reduced from 15,500 in 2009 to approximately 6,300 today.

If we don’t act now, this subject could drop off the curriculum entirely; it already has in far too many schools.

We have already received an overwhelming outpouring from the community who want to get behind the subject and ensure it remains on the curriculum. In response to this, the Association has outlined three key ways the public and businesses can support this critical initiative:

  1. Sign the Manifesto: The manifesto outlines actions to work with an incoming government for the coming years. Support from industry leaders is crucial. Companies are encouraged to sign and lend their logos to demonstrate widespread backing.

           Click here

  1. School Business Partnership: This new initiative allows businesses to connect directly with at least one school, enhancing the curriculum in design and technology. While a small cost is involved, it is designed to be as affordable as possible, allowing even the smallest businesses to connect with education.

           Click here

  1. Blueprint 1000: For those looking for deeper and broader involvement, Blueprint 1000 offers a comprehensive way to engage with school education and curriculum development in design and technology.

          Click here

We would like to express our gratitude for the support received so far and urge everyone to get behind these efforts to ensure the future of design and technology education, allowing students nationally to obtain the full and balanced education they deserve.

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