Dipping into the D&T Association’s Research Journal

Published 25th September 2024

The UK has a long tradition of design and technology (D&T) education journals, with the Design and Technology Education: An International Journal (DATE Journal) being a key resource for research across all educational levels. To save busy teachers time, here’s a brief look at some recent articles available.

From 3D to 2D: Drawing as Documentation and Reflection by Young Children

By Asi Kuperman, Ruti Aladjem, David Mioduser, and Osnat Dagan

This article highlights how young children use drawing to reflect on 3D constructions, offering insights into their ability to observe and document the details of what they’ve built.
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Design Empathy in Students’ Participatory Design Processes

By Noora Bosch, Tellervo Härkki, and Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen

In a study with 14-15-year-olds, students designed e-textile products for kindergarteners, exploring empathy in design. The authors suggest such projects could enhance engagement, particularly for girls in STEAM subjects.
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Teacher Perceptions of Critical Thinking in Primary D&T

By Richard Brown

This study looks at teachers’ views on promoting critical thinking in primary D&T, noting the need for more resources and training to help students develop these essential skills.
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Creativity and Makerspaces in Norwegian Schools

By Brynjar Olafsson and Gisli Thorsteinsson

Teachers in Norwegian schools share their perspectives on how makerspaces foster creativity, contrasting hands-on learning with traditional classrooms.
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These articles and more are available for free. Subscribe to receive updates from the DATE Journal. Explore more and subscribe: DATE Journal

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