Becoming a D&T Association member gives you exclusive tools and information to work more effectively and efficiently. A place for your voice to be heard.
£159 per annum
Everything you need to teach excellent and progressive D&T in line with the New Ofsted Framework.
Save more than £85 over two years.
“It is excellent! Skills are progressive and the way it's been written allows for teacher creativity and pupil voice.” - What teachers say about Projects on a Page
Check it out for yourself with this sample - one of the schemes of work within 'Projects on a Page' on Levers and Linkages (a set of compressed files).
To help you gain the most of your membership, we have listened to primary school teachers and have improved the membership package. This bundle is a one stop shop for primary schools. Each year you benefit from a major new resource.
To help you to ensure you have all the tools and consumables required to deliver Projects on a Page, take a look at Projects in a Pack which will direct you to our partners who are able to supply you at a reduced rate.
In year one you will access all the benefits of membership AND we will send you the highly acclaimed Projects on a Page (POAP) , scheme of 23 planners, helping you deliver all aspects of D&T to years 1 through to year 6. Poap will ensure you are implementing an engaging and challenging design and technology curriculum within your school, allowing your school to meet Ofsted requirements for a “broad and rich curriculum”.
In year two, upon receipt of your renewal payment, we will send you The Primary Subject Leader File - a comprehensive set of materials addressing all the major aspects which subject leaders are expected to address in their work. Year two builds on your first year, where you have implemented D&T into your curriculum with PoaP and helps you to further embed the subject into your curriculum offer by really supporting subject leadership in your primary school.
Our main objective as your membership organisation, is to ensure the unique nature of D&T is maintained and valued. We are here to support your planning, development and delivery of high quality D&T in schools, during Ofsted Inspections
Please note:
The Design & Technology Association originally developed 'Projects on a Page' and 'The Primary Subject Leader file ' with frequent updates, The latest update was 2023 with the addition of two new planners. The D&T Association, therefore, owns all intellectual property rights to these resources. No part of these materials may be copied or shared with anyone other than the purchaser (individual or school) for non-commercial educational purposes only.
Monthly payments cost as little as £13.25 per month, the equivalent of around four cups of your favourite takeaway coffee.
By buying this bundle you are committing to pay the full amount of membership. Projects on a Page will not be released to you before we receive your full membership payment. We will invoice you yearly. Once paid, in year one, you will receive Projects on a Page and upon payment in year two you will receive The Primary Subject Leadership File. See payment options
Payments must be made within 14 days of joining the D&T