Support our mission to save D&T

Support our mission to save D&T

It is a sad fact that if you are teaching design and technology at the moment, you are teaching a subject in a state of national decline. At a time when our subject is arguably more relevant than ever, we have the lowest number of students ever recorded sitting the subject at both GCSE and A-Level; we have less than half the number of D&T-trained teachers that were serving in 2009, and an increasing number of schools are no longer offering the subject on their curriculum. This decline is happening despite the growing demand for skills in innovation, problem-solving, and creative thinking in the modern workforce. The future of design and technology education is at a critical juncture, and we must act now to preserve this essential subject for the benefit of our students and society.

Read our: Manifesto for change in design and technology education

You can support us in one of three ways:

  • Sign to support our mission. You must be willing for us to use your name and logo on our website and campaigning materials as supporters of the 'manifesto to save and grow D&T education'.
  • Get actively involved through involvement in our 'School Business Partnership' (SBP) initiative. Together, we bring positive action to schools directly impacting their curriculum offer.
  • Join us as Blueprint 1000® partner, and together, we join 1000 schools and business supporters working together over the coming years.





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Design and Technology (D&T) is the inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world.

We are focused on giving you the tools, knowledge and information you need to become more effective, more experienced and more efficient. Giving you access to expert opinions. And creating a place where you can air your views, ask your questions and so help make a difference to your life and those of your pupils. We want to hear from you. We want to know how we can help. And we want you to join us.

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