The Excellence Award for Inspirational Support Staff within D&T

This award sponsored by Nook Pods is for support staff who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to how the subject is delivered in their school. They may be working as teaching assistants, technicians, L.S.A., or volunteers.

They will be known as being highly motivated and enthusiastic about the subject, which in turn will have had a positive effect on both pupils and colleagues. These award winners will be highly valued members of their design and technology department and their work integral to its overall success. 

Evidence could include:

  • In primary schools, a support colleague may have been responsible for developing the expertise in a particular aspect of the subject. For example, they may have successfully introduced C.A.D. into the school's curriculum, actively seek and implement support from the local community, create inspiring displays and support materials. They would also play a key part in curriculum development and delivery and go above and beyond what is required, becoming highly proficient to be able to instruct and inform both pupils and teachers.
  • At secondary level, a support colleague may have been particularly active in developing aspects of the curriculum such as engineering, they may travel the length and breadth of the country sourcing materials or support pupils after-school in a range of co-curricular activities. It is possible that the winner of this award may have set up and run popular after school clubs or may show evidence of effective outreach to business and industry to enhance and enrich the curriculum offer.

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Design and Technology (D&T) is the inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world.

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