Health and Safety
Teaching Design and Technology presents both a challenging and an exciting experience, yet where teachers work needs to be a safe and secure environment. Best practice comes from staff who are knowledgeable about relevant aspects of Health and Safety and who, as a result, feel confident in managing and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace.
Well-qualified staff are empowered to identify hazards and assess risks, and can quickly determine how best to minimise, remove, or control such risks within an educational environment.
Are you working to the British Standard Code of Practice?
The code of practice BS 4163:2021+A1:2022 Health and Safety for Design and Technology in Educational and Similar Establishments, sets clear expectations about the Health and Safety training required of everyone working in design and technology. Please note: BS 4163:2021 has now been superseded by BS 4163:2021+A1:2022. To see the amendments that have been made please click here.
What are the expectations of the Code of Practice?
The British Standard code of practice expects all Design and Technology colleagues to be trained to the standards set out in the Design and Technology Association publication, ‘Health and Safety Training Standards in Design and Technology’.
These standards provide the benchmark for Health and Safety training in Design and Technology. They will give you the training, competency, and accreditation to meet the requirements of this code of practice.
Refresher training should be undertaken at least every five years.
What are the Design and Technology Association Health and Safety Training Standards?
- Primary Standards
- Core Level Standards - how you manage Health and Safety
- Specialist Extension Levels - covering all the high risk activities in Design and Technology
- Health and Safety training for site staff
Take a look at the health and safety training courses available on our site
What type of training is required?
Depending on your experience and certification, you may need either initial or refresher training:
Initial training is required by those with little or no previous experience or certification on specific training standards.
Refresher training is for those who can confirm that they have had previous training and experience on specific equipment and machinery, but their skills need updating or their Design and Technology Association certification is out of date within a reasonable period of time.
Take a look at the different training courses available in addition to enlisting your own H&S trainer to come to your school.
How long does it take to train?
Training will always be led by one of our Design and Technology Association Registered Design and Technology Health and Safety Consultants (RDTHSCs). They work to a code of practice as part of our quality assurance procedures. Minimum contact times are set for the delivery of all of the training standards when delivered to groups of staff.
How to book a training course
You can search for training courses across the country. Our RDTHSC’s are listed by region and can be contacted directly so you can quickly and easily plan and organise tailored training within your own establishment, or within a group of local schools. Courses can also be found in our training and events section of the website
We also offer ‘Teaching Food Safely’ training for primary and secondary schools, which is provided by one of a team of food specialist RDTHSCs. This is a one-day course fully covering the Secondary Food Health and Safety Training Standards and Level 2 Food Safety certification.
How much will training cost?
All the training courses advertised on our website are priced per head. RDTHSCs will confirm their daily or hourly consultancy fees for training in schools and colleges with you.
Accreditation fees of £26.40 per head are included within the course cost for both initial or refresher training.
Who can attend Health and Safety training courses?
The Design and Technology Association has a number of courses running throughout the year, all of which can be found on the Training and Events page of the website, and are available to all wishing to attend. Follow the step-by-step guide to sign up and find the course suitable for you.
Become a Health and Safety Consultant
If you are suitably qualified and experienced in Design and Technology, you can apply to become a Registered Design and Technology Health and Safety Consultant (RDTHSC) - see Associated Files box, below. (Both teachers and technicians may apply.) This qualification will enable you to provide the relevant training for teachers to obtain accreditation on the Design and Technology Association Health and Safety Training Standards.
RDTHSCs work to a code of practice and must follow quality assurance procedures and practices. To maintain your professional knowledge and competence, you will be required to attend the Health and Safety conference and initial/refresher training courses organised by the Design and Technology Association.
RDTHSCs must also have public liability and professional indemnity insurance. To apply, read through the RDTHSC notes of guidance and then complete the application form. These can be found at the bottom of this page.
You are also required to become a member of the Design and Technology Association.
What are the benefits of being a Health and Safety Consultant?
As a qualified RDTHSC you will have the opportunity to support colleagues within their own school or establishment, and even further afield. You will help them develop knowledge, skills, and understanding to manage and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
You’ll also work with schools to develop their own level of personal and professional confidence when working with a wide range of equipment and machinery.
Many site staff are now required to use tools and equipment in order to carry out their roles within schools and colleges. They, too, can now benefit from the training provided by the Design and Technology Association Health and Safety Training Standards.
H&S Training and Accreditation Closed User Group (CUG)
The Design and Technology H&S Training and Accreditation Closed User Group (CUG) system, is a portal whereby trainers can register all trainees online, in order for them to be certificated for all training courses undertaken.
All RDTHSCs hold a personal login and password for access to the Closed User Group (CUG) system. Registered Design and Technology Association Health and Safety Consultants (RDTHSC) must register all trainees online, in order for the Association to process their accreditation, after the completion of training.
The purpose of the CUG is to effectively capture personal, school and full training details of each trainee, enabling the Design and Technology Association to ensure that records are kept up to date. The Association will dispatch their certificate detailing the training undertaken once payment has been received.
How we help with H&S training
The Design and Technology Association Health and Safety Training Standards provide the benchmark for Health and Safety training in Design and Technology. They also give you complete access to the training, competency, and accreditation to meet the requirements of this code of practice.
Health and Safety Reminder Posters and Videos.
Extending the benefits of the Design and Technology Association’s Health and Safety Training and Accreditation Scheme, we have released a suite of posters with attached videos accessible using QR codes found on each poster.
Find out more about our reminder videos. They are not a replacement for H&S training and accreditation or for the necessary refresher training so please ensure all staff in your Design and Technology department undertake appropriate training. You will then gain access to these valuable workshop machinery videos.
Bosch Orbital Sanders
Our attention has been drawn to the recall of a number of Bosch orbital sanders that we recognise are being used in a good number of schools. We would be grateful if you could print off the details and share these with schools and colleagues as you meet them next term.
Additional Guidance for the use of BORAX BASED FLUXES in Schools and Colleges
Further precautions are now required in the use of Borax based fluxes as changes have been highlighted in the WeldabilitySIF COSHH Material Safety Data Sheet.
Health and safety issues arising from 3D printing emissions
Recent published evidence has raised concerns about potential risks to health for those using affordable polymer filament desktop 3D printers. The Health and Safety Executive formed a working group to discuss health and safety concerns about using desktop 3D printers in schools. HSE undertook laboratory tests to assess whether polymer filament desktop 3D printers released hazardous particles and vapours which a person nearby could breathe in; they also investigated control measures to reduce these emissions. These printers emitted many particles of a size range that can potentially enter the airways and lungs. Some plastic filament materials, when heated, were found to release vapours known to be hazardous to health.
For recommendations from the HSE regarding the control of emissions please click here
CLEAPSS also have a materials risk assessment on this issue, please click here to view. You will need to be a member of CLEAPSS to access this.
Associated Files
l Health and Safety Leaflet 2025.pdf l BS4163 Ammendment Notes.pdf l RDTHSC Application Form Feb 23.docx l RDTHSC notes of guidance 2023.pdf l Benefits included with RDTHSC Membership.docxJoin Now
Design and Technology (D&T) is the inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world.
We are focused on giving you the tools, knowledge and information you need to become more effective, more experienced and more efficient. Giving you access to expert opinions. And creating a place where you can air your views, ask your questions and so help make a difference to your life and those of your pupils. We want to hear from you. We want to know how we can help. And we want you to join us.