24th August 2022
D&TA providing specialist training for SCITT trainees at Pioneers Partnership SCITT For 30 years I have taught in or led Design and Technology departments, and in the last few years, I have seen...
Written by: Paul Woodward
10th September 2020
The title used for this D&T Practice Magazine editorial is also the title of an excellent book by Guy Claxton. This is a book that I read and re-read as a headteacher as I regularly sought to step...
Written by: Tony Ryan
16th December 2019
I certainly don’t consider myself to be good at writing but the other day I was embarrassed to be complimented on something I’d produced. I responded by saying that’s it’s less than one’s ability to w...
Written by: Andy Mitchell
11th May 2015
There is no doubt about it, keeping up with the changes and possible implications for the future direction of design and technology (D&T) and related qualifications is challenging. The Awarding Or...
Written by: Andy Mitchell
2nd February 2015
Design over the years has tended to move in small, comfortable steps. Motor vehicle design for example began by firstly emulating carriages using spoked, wooden wheels and ‘coach-built’ bodies, then g...
Written by: Willy Adam
26th March 2014
Trying to keep up with the latest advances in technologies can be a daunting and never-ending quest, and it is often tempting to take stock and try to understand what we have, rather than chase the la...
Written by: Willy Adam
13th March 2014
Design and technology has been in the news a lot over the last couple of days - or should I say, design and technology should have been in the news a lot! First was the CBI report, 'Engineering our fu...
Written by: Richard Green